Fleming Consulting & Co.

Forget the Ladder

A lot of people believe that through the  simple act of putting in the time at their  chosen careers or jobs, the natural progression will be to slowly climb the career
Fleming Consulting & Co.


Today I just feel like I need to say Thank You. Thank you for reading what I've had to say over the past few months. Thank you for leaving comments. Thank you for
Fleming Consulting & Co.

Anticipate Turbulence

My wife doesn't like to fly. She hates turbulence. I used to be the same way. Her energy would easily put me into a panicked state as the plane would
Fleming Consulting & Co.

Go away

It's Friday and it's late. My daily post should have been up hours ago, but I've been in a car traveling most of the day. My wife and I just
Fleming Consulting & Co.

Kick me when I’m not expecting it…

Every small business knows the importance branding. Repetition, repetition, repetition. The message needs to remain the same. Keep your brand in tact. Some businesses go insane when it comes to branding. The only
Fleming Consulting & Co.

Chugga Chugga Choo-Choo

Stay up tonight, flick on the TV, and check out all the amazing once-in-a-lifetime opportunities on the infomercials. I'm being sarcastic. Infomercials about money-making opportunities, to me, represent a speeding one-way bullet