Ready to catapult your company from good

to consistently, ridiculously great?

Do you have a nagging feeling that sales output or customer care could be better, but aren't sure where things are falling through the cracks? We help you identify and amplify critical growth areas with simple processes that turn your employees and customers into a walking salesforce.

Your answers will give us a launchpad for our call

The time we spent with Noah was instrumental in our advancing recognition of the importance of sales goals and a sales process for our company. We now have a more professional sales team guided by an established sales process with new sales knowledge and tools to aid in their meeting these established goals.

~Dave Zrostlik, President, Stellar Industries

 If you want fresh ideas and a way to engage both your staff and clients to grow your business bring in Noah Fleming

Greg Gosselin – SVP, Washington Capitals

Noah proved to be effectively responsive in addressing our presenting problems and formulating solutions that were highly beneficial to the initial challenge and the company. His approach was subtle yet positive and highly impactful. And his visions were not only effective but also cost-efficient and utilized immediately. It has been a pleasure to have Noah act as a consultant to our company and with his insights achieve the results we were seeking.

Greg Jarvis – President, Bluelab

We spent 8 months trying to increase sales output in fits and starts on our own.

Noah's 1-Day Sales Accelerator delivered the results we were looking for in just a few weeks.

~Mike Burch, COO, Speedyway Motorsports

Earmarking dollars specifically for marketing is always a challenge & is easily curtailed when reviewing budgets. However, working with Noah the past seven years has proven to be one of the wisest investments our companies have made. His innovative & result-driven techniques have not only greatly improved our bottom line but has transformed our approach to business and our ongoing relationship with our customers. 

~Troy Loop

Noah is a specialist in the art of retaining customers. If you’ve ever heard the phrase “retention is the new acquisition” you’ll begin to understand the importance of Noah’s work. Getting clients is one thing. Keeping them is another thing. Noah specializes in both. He’s also one of the nicest guys you’ll ever meet.

~Ray Edwards – Renowned Direct Response Copywriter,