Supercharge Sales By $10M-$50M+

In the next 12 months.

Without adding any new sales people.

And just a single day's effort.

Jumpstart Your Sales Process

Get Everyone Organized

Boost Your Sales Results


You've tried the the snooze-worthy sales trainings, the contests, and the shiny sales tools

And your efforts have achieved some success...but in fits and starts.

You're still scratching your head on what's working and what's not

You're not sure if your sales people are doing all they could be

You need some fresh eyes to show you the blindspots

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The time we spent with Noah was instrumental in our advancing recognition of the importance of sales goals and a sales process for our company. We now have a more professional sales team guided by an established sales process with new sales knowledge and tools to aid in their meeting these established goals

~Dave Zrostlik, President, Stellar Industries

noah sitting and smiling at camera



Get answers and an action plan that delivers results, in a day

A lot of successful CEO's wince when they hear the "C" word. Many consultants have a reputation for promising the moon and delivering "meh" results.

I'm here to change that.

I've spent nearly two decades creating real change in sales teams across dozens of industries, including some seriously heavy hitting Fortune 500s.

I've written 3 books on closing sales and customer loyalty.

And I've delivered results to the tune of $5bn+ in word of mouth sales and new revenue for my clients.

I know what works and what doesn't.

And I've packaged it up to deliver the maximum results, in the minimum amount of time.

Everyone knows that time is money.

How are you spending yours?


You don't need better people, you need better processes

Almost all advice on sales is either insultingly simple, or assumes that your organization is already advanced in your current practices, processes, and capabilities.  

We meet you where you are, then create a plan forward.

Because successful CEO's don't leave those sexy numbers to a few sales superstars. They find a process that turns anyone into a walking salesforce.

Then, they implement it and iterate it, relentlessly.



Everyone knows exactly what they need to do and when



Nobody has to reinvent the wheel or make it up as they go



Leaders can track what's working and what's not


Get results, faster

I developed The 1-Day Sales Process to help companies amplify efforts and accelerate sales.

You'll get a process that actually works and feels authentic to your organization, in days, not months.

Listen to what the COO of Speedway Motor Sports (with revenues north of $500M annually) said about the 1-Day Sales Process.

With Noah’s help we increased our companies referrals by over 142% in one week! In addition, he gave us the tools and materials to build relationships with two professional trade associations that will allow our company to generate hundreds of thousands of dollars in new revenues this year.

~J. McConnel

Imagine one year from now having the exact processes you need to

Boost Sales By 20% or even 30%

(Then, doubling or even tripling that.)

Have a clear, repeatable process to get and keep clients

Know what your employees are doing, without micromanaging

Give your sales manger a system to quickly identify and remove sales-killing roadblocks

Establish a shared "North Star" to ensure everyone's clear on the critical tasks of the day

Leverage your employees' time and talents

Create a container for consistent performance and results

Spend less on customer acquisition, leverage opportunities with less cost

Generate a cohesion across marketing, sales, and customer care

Lead your teams with clarity and conviction

Build a culture of happy employees and customers

Have a clear path for future success and the long term growth

Safeguard the business you've worked so hard to build

It's not about learning something new.

It about leveraging what works, relentlessly.


Closing the deal is just the start of the relationship

Together, we'll shore up weak spots and design a plan to amplify your efforts across all your customer touch points.

So where is your sales organization now?

Is it complete anarchy with each sales person closely guarding their "little black book" of customers (hint* your customers)?

Are the blind leading the blind?

Have your sales initiatives stifled in the past? Is that new CRM you paid so much money for just sitting there, collecting dust unused? Has all the recent sales training you invested in just fallen by the wayside?

Or do you want to build and create a well-oiled machine to drive you safely into the future.

The choice is yours.

Let's make sure your employees and customers

know what success feels like

We spent 8 months trying to increase sales output in fits and starts on our own.

Noah's 1-Day Sales Accelerator delivered the results we were looking for in just a few weeks.

~Mike Burch

Why the 1-Day Sales Process Works

We asked ourselves, "How can we deliver the most value in the least amount of time?"

(Yeah, very Un-consultant of us...)

Then, we spent 100's of hours identifying, implementing and iterating.

Actionable Insights

We identify holes across the entire customer journey, then give you clear next steps to shore them up.

High-Adoption Rates

We work hand in hand with your team to develop the action plan, so there's buy-in from the start.

Road-Tested Approach

Our plans are custom, not cookie cutter, and every insight or action is backed by real life results.

Don't waste another 6 months trying to

figure it out on your own

Noah was able to help us develop an incredible process that drives our top-line growth. He exceeded my expectations in his ability to get us from point A to B quickly.

~Troy Loop, President

Look, if your organization can check off at least 3 of the following, then the 1 Day Sales Process isn't for you

Have a documented sales process that is followed consistently by every salesperson.

Have a CRM that salespeople use religiously to take notes, plan account strategies, and set next contact times for each client.

Engage in regular role-playing & major account planning strategy sessions.

Have a sales management culture that understands which metrics are important, and coaches salespeople based on those metrics.

Can unequivocally, and quickly, tell me the last time your clients were spoken to and the context of that conversation.

Don't just pull their quotas out of thin air and say “We need you to hit your number this year champ!”

Engage in 1:1 sales coaching and goal setting to identify strengths and find ways to shore up areas of weakness.

Provide sales with the support they need to spend the bulk of their time actually selling.

Knows the solution doesn't lie within Salesforce, HubSpot, or the next shiny new sales tool to hit the market.

What's your success score?


Supercharge your sales efforts and grow your revenue by $10M - $50M + in your first year of working with us

Pre-work Launchpad

We’ll identify your resources, gaps, and start working towards identifying the highest leverage areas to focus on with your sales team, so we can hit the ground running on your big day.

The 1-Day Sales Process™ Live Event

We'll work with you and your team through each of the steps to repeatable, profitable sales growth, identifying weaknesses and creating an action plan where everyone wins.

3 Months of Elite™ Executive Advisory

We'll continue to be your strategic advisor and sounding board on all aspects of CRM, sales, exception reporting, referral generation, and sales management as you implement your new or improved sales process.

noah in front of paper board

Don't waste $150,000-$250,000 on sales tools

and training you may not even need

Why bet your success on stuff that "might" work?

Hi, I'm Noah Fleming and I like to think I've helped change the way the world thinks about customers. 

As a Canadian, I'm programmed NOT to brag, but you should probably know:

In under five years, I have helped our clients generate over $5bn in word-of-mouth business and new revenue from their existing customers.

I've also written 3 books on sales and customer loyalty, each hitting #1 in their Amazon category. #stayhumble

I created the 1-Day Sales Process because I was tired of seeing good companies struggling to be consistently, ridiculously great.

So, I designed a process proven to launch them to the next level, in weeks not years.

I'd love to help you achieve that kind of next level growth.

Got Questions?

We've got answers.

Do you guarantee results?

We offer an action-based guarantee. If our clients execute the action plan - where they engage in all of the scheduled workshops & calls, and do the assigned work between our session & calls, and are still not able to see an increase of at least $500,000 in topline revenue over 12 months, then we offer a full 100% money-back-guarantee. 

That's it. 

Our process works and we put our money where our mouth is (and in over 15 years, we’ve never had to do this!)

Can't I just replace my sales manager or low performing people?

This is a very common solution that almost never works. The tenure of a Sales Manager has fallen from 24 months to 18 months and now sits at under 12 months. If replacing people was the answer this turnover would eventually stop - but it hasn’t.

Can't I just invest in more training?

Training is a good thing. However US businesses spend over $1 Billion annually on training and tools. Yet the number of salespeople hitting quota has declined every year for almost 10 years, even during our economic recovery.

With only 4.6% of leads ending in closed business and the average win rate for salespeople being 34% of submitted proposals, clearly more training and more management tools aren’t moving the needle.

Can't I push my sales team harder?

After all, sales is just a numbers game.” Push harder. Demand more. The more balls you swing at the more runs you hit, right? Are you sure

Here’s why that strategy never works out long term:

First, everyone is working harder and smarter these days. In fact, everyone is working past capacity.

Today the issue isn’t a lack of anything, including effort or smarts - it’s overwhelming. It is having too many balls to swing at instead of swing at the right ones.

Second, without the motivation and skills to hit the ball it doesn’t matter how many balls pass the plate or how often they get swung at. Practice doesn’t make perfect - perfect practice makes perfect

Is your approach actually different?

As we write this, there are 1,245,043 people listed as sales consultants or trainers on LinkedIn. There are thousands of books, courses, and training offerings out there - so why with Noah and his 1-Day Sales Process?


First, we have the case studies and clients to prove our results. We’re not making up claims out of thin air, especially in this market. We’ve delivered dozens upon dozens of times. And not just general business results - results for companies just like yours.

Second, Noah’s 1-Day Sales Process wasn’t created in some MBA classroom or a boilerplate solution copied over from every other selling system. It was created over years of trial and error and has been successfully utilized by some of the biggest brands and companies in the world. 

Third, this isn’t another “training program.” This is about you getting measurable results and putting more sales on the board and profits in your pocket.

We don’t Hail Mary a manual and some advice over the castle’s wall and tell you to do your best. We roll our sleeves up and get right in the mix with your sales manager and salespeople.

We work with your people to ensure that progress is being made, and that skills are not only being learned but put into practice. We help you monitor progress, fill gaps, and solve whatever sales problems are hindering your revenue growth.

We only measure our success by yours. We only get paid for delivering results, not training, not promises, not “borrowing your watch and telling you the time".

Finally, we’re taking all the risk. Our 10X Guarantee says that if you don’t get at least a tenfold bottom-line profitable return on the cost of this program in your first year, we’ll either continue helping your sales managers and salespeople or refund you the complete investment you’ve made. The choice is yours.

The choice is yours

Spend another 6 months figuring it out on your own

Or get answers and action plan that actually works now