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Emulate the Amish

I read an interesting post on BrandAutopsy this morning. John Moore reviewed the new business book Success Made Simple - An Inside Look At Why Amish Businesses Thrive. As John says,"According
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How To Quit Smoking

If you're a smoker, I know you've probably done it. You've gone to Google and typed in "How to quit smoking". If you're overweight, you've probably done a search for "how to lose weight". There's
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Snakes and Ladders

Snakes and Ladders originated in India as a game based on morality called Vaikuntapaali or Paramapada Sopanam (the ladder to salvation) (wikipedia) You're right at the top. You're almost there. Only a few
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Hairy Nipples

Warning: I make no guarantees in regards to your gag reflexes after you scroll down. This morning, I stumbled over to our local classifieds website and saw a sponsored (paid) advertisement
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Smurf Cash

Can you really make money doing what you love, or by following your passion? What if the thing you love is something like The Smurfs? Gary Vaynerchuk was the first to talk about
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The Linchpin in My Life

In the interest of Father's Day, I wanted to take this opportunity and share something about my father. When I sat down to write this post, there was one lesson that