Why did you fire John?
Why did you switch providers?
Why did you hire Jill?
Why did you reduce the marketing budget?
Why did you change the brochure?
I ask my clients and executives questions
I was in a meeting recently when someone who was quiet for most of the discussion perked up and said:
"Our customers don't want to hear from us regularly! They don't
Mistakes, blunders, and customer-related issues are bound to happen.
Most of us have employees and they're expected to do things by the book, but what happens when the book is wrong
Mary Bauer from Illinois is a super bitch. Do you know her?
At least, that's according to someone at Comcast who decided to change her name in their system from Mary
A few weeks ago JetBlue made headlines when they allowed a three-year-old toddler to pee herself on the tarmac.
When this story broke, I was interviewed by a reporter with USA