My workouts suck. They're hard as hell. Sometimes they only last a few minutes. They scare me.
My wife knows the days when I haven't had time to do my workout before
My parents were on to something.
Being named Noah in 1980 meant my parents were on the cutting edge of coolness. The name was still largely reserved for the ultra-religious families,
Happy Monday!
Today is Victoria Day in Canada and I'm taking the day off to enjoy time with my wife and family, but I wanted to share a little something with you
The next time someone asks you the question, "what do you do for a living?", really give it some thought, before you answer.
It's easy to say what you think you
"It's not whether you win or lose, it's how you play the game." ~ Grantland Rice
Remember that quote? I hate it. It's not about winning or losing, it's how we
I got to thinking about this post, as I was fly fishing north of Toronto a few weeks ago. I was drudging through muddy waters trying to make my way upstream.