What if you could 10X customer happiness under 90 days?
The good news is you can, and I’m going to show you how.
This week I share a simple 5-minute exercise that you can implement within your company as early as tomorrow.
There are NO “secrets” to this. But if you do it, you’ll drastically increase customer loyalty and positive word-of-mouth in the process.
No tricks, no secrets.
A simple exercise that you can complete within just five to ten minutes per week. It requires no training and the benefits to your company will be enormous. Not only will your customers be happier, but your employees will be more engaged as well.
It’s a WIN-WIN!
Watch the video below and get started tomorrow.
Check out the video below:
If you’re looking for more content, check out the info below the video.
What Is Customer Happiness?
When it comes to business, I think we’ll all agree that the goal is to grow revenue and exceed our customer’s expectations at the same time.
There are a ton of ways to do this. But one of the fastest ways is by growing your “word of mouth” business.
In other words, you multiply your sales by having happy customers recommend your product/service/business to their friends and family.
The good news is that you can 10X your customer happiness in just 90 days. And I’m going to share how below.
Here’s the thing….the more patient you are, the more revenue you’ll generate and the bigger your business will become. But the opposite is also true…if you are impatient, then your business will suffer and tumble down a difficult path.
Customer Happiness Versus Customer Satisfaction
Before we dive into the “how” let’s discuss the difference between customer happiness and customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction is nebulous. It’s an “OK” feeling. Happy customers know when you’re doing a great job. But unsatisfied customers will always find something to grumble about.
Customer happiness is much more than just feeling satisfied. A happy customer will tell their friends, colleagues, and family members about your company and even become an ambassador for your brand.
Customer satisfaction and customer happiness are popular buzzwords but as performance indicators, they are very different.
For example, I’ve often said, “no customer wants to be merely satisfied.” Customer satisfaction means you’ve done your job, and the customer is satisfied. Their basic needs have been met.
Happiness, however, is about building an emotional connection to you and your brand. Customer happiness comes from creating positive, memorable, and remarkable experiences that the customer can’t help but share with others.
Satisfied customers can become loyal customers but are more easily lured away by competitors, lower prices, or product and service alternatives.
But happy customers will often refer others to you and spread the word. They are more likely to stick with your business for the long term.
How to Measure Customer Happiness
One of the big questions that often comes up is how do we measure customer happiness? In essence, how do we know what we’re doing is working? If you’re an established business then you should already be measuring customer satisfaction and client loyalty. But if you’re just getting started, there are a couple of quick things that you can do today to begin measuring customer happiness.
Often, the best way to know if something is working is to look for the apparent signs.
For example:
1) Are new customers being referred to you?
2) Is your customer value increasing?
3) Are customers sticking with you longer? Are your customer churn rates decreasing? Is retention increasing?
Some of the most comment ways of measuring customer happiness are listed below.
What about Net Promoter Score (NPS)?
Many companies use NPS (Net Promoter Score) as a tool to gauge client loyalty. Fredrich Reichheld created NPS, often considered the godfather of customer loyalty. I’m oversimplifying, but here’s how NPS score works.
It’s pretty simple.
You ask your customers the following question:
The question is typically something like “How likely are you to recommend us to a friend?” The customer is then asked to rank a score from 0-10. With 0 being unlikely and 10 being very likely.
Your score is determined by what percentage of your customers are “promoters” versus “detractors.” In other words, those customers are more than likely to buy from you again, refer others, and take actions to help the business.
The goal is to get as many promoters as possible and reduce as many detractors as possible.
I think NPS is one of the most misused metrics and the reason is that I’ve seen so many organizations scoring 7s, 8s, 9s, 10s, with lots of customers claiming to be happy and suggesting they’re willing to refer and recommend new customers. But as you might suspect, their customers aren’t doing it. I’ve got more info on this topic HERE and HERE and how you can make NPS work for you and your company.
What About Surveys as a Measure of Customer Success?
Surveys are another way to measure customer feedback. The problem with surveys is they are mainly self-selective. Basically, they typically attract customers who have something to say or a problem to address. Your upset customers are more likely to take the time to a survey than those who haven’t experienced any issues.
Typically, happy customers avoid surveys as most are time-consuming and offer little to no customer incentive. Delighted customers will usually skip a survey. After all, they’re already delighted. Why should they spend their time doing your survey?
I’m not saying don’t use surveys. But they should be used in combination with other ways to measure customer happiness.
You’re often better off engaging customers in a 1:1 conversation about their interactions and experiences dealing with your company.
A Simple Method to 10X your Happy Customers
If you’ve already watched the video above then you’ve already seen the exercise.
Here’s how to do it.
Step One: Pick a team or division within your company and try the following exercise.
Every Monday, for six weeks, have them email you the answer to the following question:
What little extras will you do to create customer loyalty and build positive word of mouth this week?
Basically, what proactive steps will you take this week to delight and surprise customers? What perks will you share with our top customers? How will you warm their hearts?
You want those participating to give you something SPECIFIC.
It’s not enough for them to say, “I’ll provide great service this week.”
Don’t accept that.
Instead, you want them to say, “I’m going to write Jane, one of our top clients, a hand-written note and mail it by Wednesday.”
If you do this, you’ll be amazed at what you will learn.
You’ll find out how your employees feel and discover how they think about customer happiness. In my experience, the team members with the most passion and enthusiasm for customer happiness are often front-line people working day and day out with the customer. The good news is that when I survey teams to ask them what they want to accomplish in the next six months, 85% of them will say, “We want to delight our customers”.
That’s step one, and that happens on Monday.
Step Two: The next step is two have them send a second email on Friday to let you know the results of their actions. Basically, you need to hold them accountable. Any business can say, “go and do nice things for our customers.” But if you don’t make this process as valuable as filing an expense report, it won’t get done.
Step Three: is to compile some of the actions your team has taken, the results they’ve received, and share both the successes and failures with the team. Some teams might get together to share their “best win” each week.
Pretty simple right? And yet, if you do this for six weeks I guarantee you’ll 10X your customer happiness and your word-of-mouth business. You don’t even need to send out a survey.
The results are already in your inbox.
Why Does This Work? Will it Work in My Business?
So you’re probably wondering, why does something so simple work so well?
Why does this build customer loyalty? Here’s why.
Every company on the planet says, “we provided our clients with excellent customer service. We provide an unparalleled customer and client experience.”
Most companies have missions and values listed on some plaque somewhere that says the same thing. In reality, what your customers see is a world of difference.
You can talk about how great and awesome you are but if the customers don’t experience it, they won’t believe you.
One of the things I hear all the time is “but our business is different. Will this really work in my business?” The short answer is YES. I’ve seen this work in just businesses of all types, including small, big and MASSIVE. But how it works will be different for each company (meaning how many people to include, who’s participating etc. I’m happy to help with some ideas. Schedule a quick call with me to discuss.)
There’s Nothing More Powerful Than The Personal Touch
There’s a concept I teach called the MMP Principle. The MMP principle stands for:
Every time you engage with customers and clients, you need to use the MMP Principle as a filter? Your reach out must be one of the three. Meaningful, memorable, or personal.
By doing this you’ll build an emotional connection with your customers. In a way, they’ll begin to see your business dealings as a “real relationship” and not just the “provider” of services. We move away from receiving money in exchange for products and services, and closer to nurturing a perpetual long-term relationship.
Happier Customers = Happier People, Employees & Team
When you start engaging in daily, consistent tasks to increase customer success there’s an incredible bonus that you’ll receive as a result. Your people want to do great work. Employees and front-line staff want the autonomy and authority to provide an exceptional customer experience and make the client feel special.
Even your unhappy customers can be turned into lifelong, loyal clients.
As you begin to engage in proactive daily tasks to increase customer happiness and provide a fantastic customer experience, you’ll create a happier workplace. Your employees will be more excited to work and do great work. Quite often, your team needs someone to tell them, “go do this!”
Next Steps[dt_code][/dt_code]
As you begin to engage with your clients personally you’ll build a bond beyond the business transaction. The real human beings behind the transactions will come out, and it’ll be evident that they are just like you.
At the end of the day, it’s not about the money.
Take the challenge and implement my simple method to 10X customer happiness and worth-of-mouth business, you’ll be amazed by the results. I guarantee it.