When we find ourselves in an emergency situation, the first instinct will almost always be self-preservation.

My wife likes to tell the story while we were walking on a trail in Newfoundland, and literally bumped into a massive moose, it was I who turned around and bolted in the opposite direction, leaving her to snap a few photos (including this one).

But when an emergency arises, a few things happen. First, the adrenalin goes up and the heart starts beating faster and faster until you can actually feel it pounding against your chest. Secondly, time seems to either stand still or fly by. And finally, fear kicks in and instincts, like self-preservation, will drive us to make fast, quick, reactive decisions.

Of course, fast, quick and reactive decisions usually aren’t the best decisions. Granted, in a bad enough situation (where time is of the essence) you’ll usually want to go with these decisions…Fast!

But let’s say for example that today, around 4:00 pm, you get called into your manager’s office. He lets you know that they’ve decided to let you go. You’re free to pack up your desk and not come back tomorrow.

I have no doubt that your heart will be beating and thumping against your chest as you drive home to tell your spouse the news.

But once you’re out of immediate danger, now’s not the time to make a bad situation worse. Now is the time to use your brain and assess the situation. This is where logic needs to kick in. This is the moment where you begin to carefully assess all options. This is true survivor mode. This is the moment you use the one tool you’ve had in your arsenal all along – your brain. Use it wisely.

Don’t jump at the first opportunity. Don’t start spamming your resume to hundreds of employers. Don’t panic and use up all your resources. Don’t eat anything you’re not sure about. Use this time to carefully analyze the situation and plan for your survival. You might be in it for the long haul. The good news is, this might be a blessing in disguise.

Oh, but if you see a bear, run like hell.