When confronted with death, even after a long-lived life, we’re reminded of something that we often lose sight of.

We’re reminded that this is the one and only time you’ve got to have the stage all to yourself. You’re the star of the show.

Can any amount of drudgery really be worth it?

I don’t care what the naysayers say – we’ve bought into a lie in western societies that the ideal situation, the ideal life, and the ideal circumstances are always just around the corner.

Few of us ever get around the corner.

We lose sight that the ideal situation is right here and right now. If you’re constantly looking for life in the fun lane, realize that you might just need to turn on your blinker and switch lanes.

We often forget that the curtain can close on this play at any time, so you better make this your best damn performance.

There’s no dress rehearsal for this play, and we want to give you a standing ovation.