When my first daughter was born, I stopped exercising regularly. I remember the day I canceled my gym membership well because I told myself, “I’ll join up again once everything settles
My wife, being the bright kindergarten teacher that she is, came out to the breakfast table this morning and asked myself and the girls if we would like to eat
It's no secret that almost all of my new clients start by reading my Tuesday Tidbits and that many read for years before finally reaching out.You might remember, earlier this
I’ve just returned home from a glorious week in Florida with my wife and daughters - it was an amazing trip, and most importantly my daughters had a blast.On the
It’s 6:30 AM and I’m enjoying a family vacation.In between sips of coffee and reading a fantastic biography of Frank Sinatra, I’m reflecting on a discussion I had with a
It’s Monday morning and I’m sitting here on a plane getting ready to take off. Next to our plane is an Airbus A320 getting ready to take flight.I’m watching the