The Great Resignation of 2021 is what they’re calling it.

People are leaving the working world in record numbers to do something new, find new work or more meaning. A recent Forbes article called it “The Worker’s Revolution” in a post-pandemic world.

But I don’t buy it. 

The reality is, there are just a lot of companies who have been treating their people poorly, and the pandemic has made those people realize there’s something else out there. 

However, there are many companies NOT dealing with these issues.


I recently spoke to the leader of an organization who asked me how they could influence greater customer loyalty and encourage their salespeople to invest in building great client relationships – both of which would dramatically impact the long-term success of any organization.

We all know that it’s your loyal customers who often generate the most revenue, and we need to continuously engage our customers to help them become more “loyal.”

We all know that it’s your loyal customers who often generate the most revenue, and we need to continuously engage our customers to help them become more “loyal.”

I responded by asking, “Are you treating employees like your best clients?”

I continued, “What efforts do you have in place to influence greater relationships with your key people?

How are you investing in your employees and talent?”

“Of those salespeople you’re asking to do this, what are you doing for them?”

He smiled and then went on to tell me he believed they were doing a lot right, but he also said that he knew they could be doing more.

When you think about it, if we want our employees and those on the front lines to invest in the success of our organization, then we need them to buy into the vision and long-term success of the company, our goals, and our key objectives.

We need to treat those relationships with the same level of gravitas we give to our clients.

But in more cases than not, we’re not.

That same Forbes article suggests people are leaving the working world because of (for example):

1) lack of flexibility
2) contributions and ideas not valued
3) too many internal/organizational changes
4) Personal well-being not supported or acknowledged

When I thought more about my response to his question over the weekend, I came up with some key questions to ask yourself and your executive team.

1. We talk about the importance of intimately knowing your ideal customer, but how well do you know your employees?

Do you know their challenges, struggles, and what keeps them up at night?

You expect them to know your expectations, but do you know what they expect?

Do you know what their day-to-day experience is truly like?

Are you constantly nurturing your employees the same way you nurture your best clients? (I don’t mean Yoga classes and free massages at lunch)

Are they being heard and given the ability to contribute?

Are their opinions valued and acted upon or just hidden in a drawer on your desk, or archived in your inbox?

Do you know the different strengths and weaknesses of those on the front lines?

Try this: Experience the company as your customers do – from start to finish. If you need to, get outside help for this. Discover if your team is working together.

Are their employees who need encouragement, additional training, accountability, or outside help?

If you want to achieve great results, then you need to pay attention to your most valuable relationships.

Your team needs to be constantly engaged and heard.

The Great Resignation is happening within a lot of companies.

Is it happening at yours? I certainly hope not!
