I know we’ve talked about it before, but it never ceases to amaze me when I hear how disappointed people are with the latest “get rich quick” purchase they just made.
People, who are down to their last few pennies in their bank accounts, taking out loans to buy the latest and greatest collection of DVD’s or Seminars that promise to take away all their financial burdens.
Clever marketers and salesmen selling products with the promise that they will teach you how to make money on the Internet quickly and instantly.
Usually the salesmen will use statements like:
“wealth in your underwear”
“income while you sleep”
“work from home”
“income autopilot”
“instant overnight riches”
Now, truth be told, I’ve made a lot of money selling advice, and coaching & consulting people who are looking to make money in the online world.
In the past five years, I’ve worked with over 500 online marketers who were creating information based products, membership sites, and coaching services, to name a few examples, for direct sales on the Internet.
On numerous occasions, I’ve watched my own clients create great products and services and are so successful they do end up earning money while they’re sleeping!
Many of my customers and clients have gone on to make far more money than I have.
One example is a client and friend of mine who was a practicing lawyer for over 15 years. He made decent a living, but the lifestyle wasn’t for him. We’ve never met in person, but we’ve worked together online since 2005.
Over the years, he’s also become a successful options trader. Using my advice and training, he created a membership site (where people pay him a monthly fee) for his expertise, tips, and coaching on the options trading industry.
Needless to say, he’s no longer a practicing lawyer.
I’ve also made a lot of money selling my own information products in the online world. Some of the earliest income I ever made was from digitally based products I had created and sold on eBay.
During my University days, there were times when I was earning $80-$100 dollars per day while I was in class studying.
I’ve been earning income through my online and offline endeavours for almost 10 years now.
But during that time, I’ve also watched people squander away buckets of money on the promise of “getting rich quick.”
When people are desperate, the lure of a shortcut to riches is much more tempting.
Marketers know this. Of course the schemers and carrot-danglers also know this and they pounce when people are most vulnerable.
So it’s always worth repeating. There are no shortcuts or secrets to making money, especially online. There is knowledge available, that can help you earn more money, but there are no secrets to instant success.
The ex-lawyer I mentioned above spent months creating his product, tweaking, and testing it, to ensure he was offering an outstanding quality product. He makes a pretty substantial and stable income from his website.
If someone is trying to persuade you or if you are trying to decide if spending a few thousand dollars on a money-making scheme is worth it, read my information below.
And for the record, I’m not saying that all training and seminars are a rip-off.
I’m merely pointing out that the seminars, products, and training that promise “instant results, getting rich quick, and making money for nothing,” should be carefully looked at.
Here’s how it works:
It usually starts with a secret. The secret of wealth, happiness, cars, boats, mansions, and a worry-free life.
And the secret can be yours for usually somewhere between $$ or $$$$
Yes. That’s right! The secret is so big! So special! So powerful!
Yet, this person is willing to sell his/her newly found secret in exchange for your cash! (only to the first 500 buyers). Go figure.
So let’s clear it up once and for all.
I’m going to share the big secret with you.
The secret is, the guy selling the secret has another single super-duper big secret, he’s not actually sharing with you.
Ready for it?
There really is no secret.
There is a huge business in selling the facade of secrets. The market for this industry continues to grow bigger and bigger the worse the economy gets. It usually consists of poor, innocent, desperate, and hungry people willing to blindly throw a few remaining darts.
In conclusion, there is a small secret I can share with you.
The Internet is full of abundant opportunities. You can make a lot of money using the little box on your desktop, but it’s going to be hard, hard, hard work. It’s never as easy as it looks. Anyone that says it’s easy, and can be accomplished quickly, is trying to take your money.
Nuff said.
Here’s an example of the typical “get rich quick” promise.
As far as I know, there is nothing like turning your computer into an automatic cash printing machine. :-0
If a janitor could do it…….