Four Key Areas of Focus for Early 2021

Here we are.

Launching headfirst into 2021.

The pandemic drones on.

Areas are facing additional lockdown measures.

And yet we must go on.

Many of the leaders I'm talking to are telling me it's hard to know exactly where to focus with a lot of unknowns in the air.

I keep telling them there are four simple areas of improvement you can never go wrong with. These were true months ago, and they're true now.

See today's video Tuesday Tidbit for the four key things you can work on right now.

I'll be doing more video Tuesday Tidbits this year.

Feel free to reach out and let me know if there are specific things you'd like me to focus on this year.

As an added bit of excitement, after a two-year hiatus, my colleague Shawn Veltman and I are back recording and publishing our podcast The Evergreen Show (found anywhere you listen to podcasts).

Find episode 50 here.

The Evergreen Show episodes are only 15-minutes long. I highly suggest you spend a little time going through the archives. They're packed full of nuggets.

