Fleming Consulting & Co.

Focus Issues

While I’m not generally a fan of his work for many reasons, I’ll be happy to explain in other posts, I am a VERY big fan of the topic of
Fleming Consulting & Co.

Childish Eyes

For the first three month's of Avalon's life, we'd been blessed by the Gods of Sleep with a baby who loved to sleep. The trade-off, is an ever-growing insatiable appetite
Fleming Consulting & Co.


Wandering aimlessly is easy, especially if you don't have a map. And before you know it, the hours pass into days, days pass into weeks, and weeks pass into years.
Fleming Consulting & Co.

Be Like Henry

Henry Ford was laughed at when he suggested his world-changing plans to build the automobile using the assembly line. "What a nut!" "Sure, good luck with that Henry" In the Windsor area, where
Fleming Consulting & Co.

Why Bother?

Overlooked. Unappreciated. Undervalued. Underpaid Why do any more work than you have to? Why not just do the bare minimum? Why do any more? Hide in the shadows. Stay out of your
Fleming Consulting & Co.

Fail Better

Ever tried. Ever failed. No Matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. ~ Samuel Beckett. (thanks to my daily quote book from quoteflections.com for allowing me to consider this quote