I have a friend who has always been wonderfully talented musician.

Many years ago, I strongly urged him to release his music to the world over the Internet and share his gift. More importantly, I wanted him to find his speck.

He resisted.

He resisted because that was not the way traditional musicians did things. He believed the old system would endure. He resisted putting his music on the Internet.

Musicians were supposed to try to get their music on the radio.

Musicians needed a record label to succeed.

It had worked for Jack Johnson, but it would never work for anyone else.

He worried people would steal his music and his lyrics. He worried he’d never become a rock star that way. He believed that if he saved his music a representative from a record label would maybe, just maybe, happen to be sitting in the club the night he was playing.

He missed an early opportunity to share his art with the world. He missed an early opportunity for his art to spread, and the world missed him.

Now he’s resisting again because he thinks it’s too late.

It’s not too late. The world is waiting and ready for your gift. All engines are fueled up, primed, and ready for lift-off like never before.

Don’t resist, release.

Imagine, over 78 Million views later, if Andy McKee had never shared his talent with us. Imagine if Andy had resisted.

Please, don’t resist.